
Reading List

1. Heaven Is For Real by Todd Bumpo (The movie is incredible too) 2. The Shack by William P. Young 3. I Carried An Angel by Stacy Luker 4. They Were Still Born by Janel C. Atlas, Amy L., Abbey, Nina Bennett, Joanne              Cacciatore, Marion Flores, Ruth Fretts, Alan Goldenbach, Rachel Graham, David          Hlavsa, Sherokee Ilse, Kara L.C. Jones, Monica Murphy LeMoi, Candy McVicar,          Kelley Krahling 5. While I Was Gone by Sue Miller  6. Three Minus…

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Funeral/Memorial Service Planning: Music

  Whether we are aware of it or not, the music we listen to inspires us, relaxes us, challenges us, encourages us and speaks the words we struggle to say. Some days it helps us shed the tears we have bottled up. Other days it helps us smile and maybe even laugh. This is never more true than when parents are enduring a terminal diagnosis of their unborn baby or coping with the loss of their baby. The songs listed…

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